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.. figure:: pictures/cpp-shell.jpeg :target: http://cpp.sh/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center c++ shell - .. figure:: pictures/coliru.jpeg :target: http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center coliru HTTPIE 在线 API 测试 -------------------------- .. figure:: pictures/httpie.jpeg :target: https://httpie.io/app :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center httpie Json.cn ------------ .. figure:: pictures/json.jpeg :target: https://www.json.cn/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center json.cn 在线正则表达式 --------------------------- .. hlist:: :columns: 2 - .. figure:: pictures/cn-re.jpeg :target: https://c.runoob.com/front-end/854/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center runoob - .. figure:: pictures/oschina-re.jpeg :target: https://tool.oschina.net/regex :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center oschina Catonmat 在线工具 --------------------------- .. figure:: pictures/catonmat.jpeg :target: https://catonmat.net/projects :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center catonmat Diagram ----------- .. hlist:: :columns: 2 - .. figure:: pictures/diagrams.jpeg :target: https://app.diagrams.net/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center diagrams - .. figure:: pictures/drawio.jpeg :target: https://github.com/jgraph/drawio-desktop :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center drawio 图形计算器 ---------------- .. hlist:: :columns: 2 - .. figure:: pictures/geogebra.png :target: https://www.geogebra.org/graphing :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center geogebra - .. figure:: pictures/desmos.png :target: https://www.desmos.com/calculator?lang=zh-CN :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center desmos 重构与设计模式 ------------------------ .. figure:: pictures/design-pattern.jpeg :target: https://refactoringguru.cn/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center refactoringguru Docker ------------ .. hlist:: :columns: 2 - .. figure:: pictures/docker-docs.jpeg :target: https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center docker docs - .. figure:: pictures/docker-hub.jpeg :target: https://hub.docker.com/search?q=&image_filter=official :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center docker hub Curl --------- .. hlist:: :columns: 3 - .. figure:: pictures/curl.jpeg :target: https://curl.se/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center curl - .. figure:: pictures/curl-man.jpeg :target: https://curl.se/docs/manpage.html :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center curl manpage - .. figure:: pictures/everything-curl.jpeg :target: https://everything.curl.dev/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center everything curl Graphviz ------------- .. figure:: pictures/graphviz.jpeg :target: http://graphviz.org/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center graphviz Jupyter ----------------- .. figure:: pictures/jupyter.jpeg :target: https://jupyter.org/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center jupyter arXiv ----------- .. figure:: pictures/arxiv.jpeg :target: https://arxiv.org/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center arxiv C++ Reference --------------- .. hlist:: :columns: 2 - .. figure:: pictures/cplusplus.jpeg :target: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center cplusplus - .. figure:: pictures/cppreference.jpeg :target: https://en.cppreference.com/w/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center cppreference Numpy ----------- .. figure:: pictures/numpy.jpeg :target: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/index.html :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center reference Pytorch ------------ .. hlist:: :columns: 2 - .. figure:: pictures/pytorch-tutorial.jpeg :target: https://pytorch.org/tutorials/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center Tutorials - .. figure:: pictures/pytorch-doc.jpeg :target: https://pytorch.org/docs/master/index.html :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center Docs Hugging Face --------------- .. figure:: pictures/huggingface.png :target: https://huggingface.co/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center hugging face ANN Search --------------------------- .. hlist:: :columns: 2 - .. figure:: pictures/faiss.jpeg :target: https://github.com/facebookresearch/faiss :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center faiss - .. figure:: pictures/annoy.jpeg :target: https://github.com/spotify/annoy :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center annoy Standford University Lectures ------------------------------- .. hlist:: :columns: 2 - .. figure:: pictures/cs229.jpeg :target: http://cs229.stanford.edu/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center cs229 - .. figure:: pictures/cs231.jpeg :target: http://cs231n.github.io/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center cs231 Read the Docs --------------- .. figure:: pictures/read-the-docs.jpeg :target: https://readthedocs.org/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center read the docs 小林 Coding --------------- .. figure:: pictures/xiaolin.jpeg :target: https://xiaolincoding.com :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center xiaolincoding 阮一峰的网络日志 -------------------- .. figure:: pictures/ryf.jpeg :target: https://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/weekly :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center weekly Github Page ------------- .. figure:: pictures/fongyq-github-io.jpeg :target: https://fongyq.github.io/ :width: 160px :height: 120px :align: center fongyq.github.io